Research and Conservation in Southern Sonora, Mexico

Caesalpinia platyloba (palo colorado)

Caesalpinia platyloba is a common tree in southern Sonoran tropical deciduous forest. Larger trees are difficult
to find because of overharvesting. The hard wood is valued for fenceposts, which reportedly last a century in the ground.

Caesalpinia platyloba cultivated at Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Florida. In habitat most trees have straight, vertical trunks. Photo: Mark Dimmitt

Bark of Caesalpinia platyloba. Alamos, Sonora. Photo: Mark Dimmitt
Flowers of Caesalpinia platyloba being visited by large bees. Photos: Mark Dimmitt

The yellow flowers appear in June and July, at the very end of the dry season. Leaves sprout with the rains.

Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 03-06-2025