Landscapes and Succulents on Cerro Colorado

Mark Dimmitt, principal photographer. Click on each photo to enlarge.

Pitahaya agria (Stenocereus gummosus) is common on most of the peninsula, and there are a few populations on the mainland too. It is widely regarded as bearing the most delicious of all cactus fruits.

Organ pipe cactus (Stenocereus thurberi) occurs almost throughout the peninsula as well as on the mainland from southern Arizona into Sinaloa. The plants on Cerro Colorado are mostly small.

View to the San Ignacio oasis from the summit of Cerro Colorado.

View down the south slope of Cerro Colorado from the summit. The study area extends to the edge of the San Ignacio Arroyo in the far background.

A few small Yucca valida grow on the very perimeter of the Cerro Colorado study area. The flowers (inset) appear in summer.

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