Research in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Eastern Sonora, Mexico:New Plant Taxa from the Municipio de Yécora1. New species with holotypes or paratypes from the Municipio de Yécora or nearby areas. Ageratina sandersii (Turner1987) Ageratina yecorana (Turner1987) Arceuthobium yecorense (Hawksworth and Wiens 1989) Berberis pimana (Laferriére and Marroquín 1990) Boerhavia traubae (Spellenberg 1999) Browallia eludens (R. K. Van Devender and P. D. Jenkins 1993) Croton yecorensis (Steinmann and Felger 1998) Dalea pinetorum var. pinetorum (Barneby 1977 Dasylirion gentryi (Bogler 1998) Echinocereus laui (Frank 1978) Eleocharis yecorensis (Roalson 1999) Erigeron reinana (Nesom 1998) Euphorbia alatocaulis (Steinmann and Felger 1997) Euphorbia dioscoreoides ssp. attenuata (Steinmann and Felger 1998) Euphorbia pionosperma (Steinmann and Felger 1997) Hymenocallis clivorum (Laferriére 1998) Hymenocallis pimana (Laferriére 1990) Juniperus mucronata (Adams 2000) Laennecia pimana (Nesom and Laferriére 1990) Mammillaria saboae var. haudeana (Glass and Foster 1979) Menodora yecorana (Van Devender and Turner 1997) Mimulus yecorensis (Vickery 1997) Pectis pimana (Laferriére and Keil 1991) Pectis vandevenderi (Turner 1995) Pinus yecorensis (Debreczy and Rácz 1995 Portulaca yecorensis (Henrickson and Van Devender 1999) Senecio sandersii (Turner 1996) Senecio riomayensis (Turner 1993) Tridax yecorana (Turner 1995)
2. Undescribed taxa from the Yécora area: Agave parviflora subsp. nov. Asplenium gentryi A.R. Sm., ined. Astragalus sp. A + B Dalea sp., aff. D. urceolata Greene. Euphorbia sp. Lotus sp. Macroptilium sp. Mortonia sp. nov Opuntia macrorhiza var. nov. Pseuderanthemum sp. nov. Pseudognaphalium stereovirens Nesom, ined. Sphacele sp. nov. Tradescantia gentryi D.R. Hunt, ined. Tripogandra sp.
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